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The Crossover is a fusion of the Classic’s 20” frame and its proven cutting performance and durability with a powerful 56V / 5AH battery-electric power motor and features including…
- Dual battery compartment
- Semi-enclosed catcher
- Split-grooved or smooth front roller
- Variable speed control
- Extendable length handle
- Dual engagement levers
- Ergonomic and extendable length handle

LH or RH
38" to 43"
Brushless / 1200W
0-200 RPM
Adjustable at Operator Controls
Up to 3.2 MPH
LED on Battery / at Operator Controls
56V / 5 AH
3.6 lbs.
35-45 Minutes
90 Minutes
Dual - Rear Roller / Reel Blade
150 lbs.
5 or 7 with Relief Grind
9" Wide Deep Tread
Ball Bearing Supported Steel Rim
Smooth or Split Grooved
Standard: 7/16" to 1-3/4"
High-Cut: 5/8" to 2-1/4"
HDPE / 42 qt. / 40 L Capacity